Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Open Philosophy Forum

I've just enrolled in a philosophy course over summer as it is a prerequisite for some other philosophy subjects I'm doing next year. What's interesting is that there are quite a few students who've previously completed other philosophy subjects and the online discussion was, therefore, getting a bit too much for the first year students. Oh yeah, did I mention I study externally? Well, to address this problem the course co-ordinator has set up a forum so we can debate the course content, and anything else philosophy related, as much as we desire as this is a voluntary forum. Best thing though, it's open to all. Come on over and have a look and join up and post a message. The forum is called Open Philosophy and you can find it HERE


gP said...

the forum is certainly good!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I might even get back to posting on it one day :p Seriously though, back to study for me this week.