Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My New Notebook

I'm not the most motivated person around and as I study from home I often find myself doing something other than study. I might watch some TV or have a sleep for example. Cleaning the house would probably be a valid alternative to study, sometimes, but for whatever reason I rarely find myself cleaning rather than studying.

Well, the solution that I've decided upon is to get myself a Notebook PC. Not so I can study from anywhere on my property, although that is a plus, but so I can now go and study at the local Uni's library. Peace and quiet and few distractions. The net's filtered through a proxy so I can't even play interactive games etc. Although I did manage to get Messenger and Skype working through the proxy. Only 100MB per day, but hey, it's free! And I get a speed of 5000 down AND up!!!

So, my new Notebook is a Compaq Presario V3000 and I'm running both XP and an install of Fedora 6 that's tweaked a little. Makes networking with my desktop all the more enjoyable.

Now I've just got to figure out what all these new glowing buttons do and how to get rid of this dreaded Norton crap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*shudder* Norton...

Ugh. Procrastination...

I find when I am hardcore procrastinating about study I become ridiculously productive in all other respects (maybe cause I don't have a TV). Therefore, if I want to do a lot of study I just have to create something pressing to do that I want to do even less than study.

If you think of anything that fits that description, let me know...