Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I'm still slaving away here over last semesters final papers with an exam looming on Friday and what's worse is I started a new semester yesterday and haven't even had a chance to go over the course material yet. I have just finished hand writing my final Philosophy paper for last semester and I just need to type it up now so thats a relief. I do need to extend an apology to those philosophy blog warriors out there, I did hope to get a post up this week and maybe I still will but with being so consumed with these papers I haven't even had a chance to think of a sbject to talk about. I was hoping to post my Philosophy paper to get some ever helpful comments but I'm not to sure if many people out there desire to read 6000 words of analytical logic so I guess I'll just have to trust my limited ability and hope for the mercy of my tutor. Regards to all


Anonymous said...

6000! Yikes. Well I hope you are still around and haven't expired from end of semester overwork. Look forward to seeing your first war post!

Anonymous said...

6000! Yikes. Well I hope you are still around and haven't expired from end of semester overwork. Look forward to seeing your first war post!