Friday, June 16, 2006

Profile Question

I recently had a look at my profile and noticed that there was a section where the Blogger user could fill out an answer to an absurd question (or series of absurd questions). The post box in the profile section only allows for 400 characters so I thought I'd post my response here and link to it from my profile.

Question -

You have a red jar of cedar chips. Why do moths miss the forest.

Response -

There are many ways to drown, thought Mr. Grogs, but it was unlikely that the large red jar he'd recently purchased from his local Woolworth's was likely to fulfill this purpose. After all, it was a jar of cedar chips and Mr. Grogs had a phobia of the forest; there was no way he was going to touch those cedar chips!

Mr. Grogs was renowned, or more likely despised, in his local community for his eccentricities. He was an inventor and had recently completed work on a machine to remove the world from the scourge of moths. You see, Mr. Grogs was convinced that trees were infested with moths, you just couldn't see them due to their miraculous camouflage abilities. This was why Mr. Grogs had a phobia of forests, because of the moths. Mr. Grog's horrible machine had been operational for four months when the last moth was finally captured, allowing him to once again breath the fresh forest air free from the fear that a hidden moth may be watching.

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